Every morning between 8:00 and 8:30 Gracie's friend Tayla knocks on our front door, meeting up with Grace so they can walk to school together. And every morning Grace is still in the "readying" process when she arrives, which allows for some casual conversation between us and Tayla around the kitchen table. Last Tuesday morning was no different.
Hanging on our refrigerator are several of the awards Grace has won so far this year. One for outstanding achievement in the school's Annual Cross-Country run, another for achieving her personal goals in the classroom, and (the one that caught Tayla's eye) for school-wide recognition for her good behavior. These are given out every Friday in assembly, one child from each room is awarded a certificate for demonstrating the schools goals or ideals. Tayla made the comment to John and I that she had not won one of these yet this year... John makes the quick statement that he bet she could if she really tried.
Later that day when Grace returned home from school, Tayla was with her, which is the case most afternoons. Tayla stayed for "tea" that evening, and that is when it happened... Tea was patty melts and chips... While sitting at the table Tayla and John arrived at negotiations, he told Tayla that if she could earn one of those awards in this Friday's assembly then he would buy her one of their favorite lollies, a Brain Licker (this is the thing the girls are enjoying in the sugar monsters post) These criteria applied to Grace as well...
Friday rolls around and we are off to assembly. Several of the parents attend assembly regularly, we are lucky enough to be able to attend every Friday. We quietly take our seats at the back of the hall with the rest of the parents. Each week a different class leads assembly, two children from that class are selected to direct things from the microphone at the front of the hall. The usual topics were covered, sports reports and class projects. Then it was time for the awards to be given out, Tayla's name was called... Before she was back to her seat she was already making sure we saw that she'd won, and that John owed her a lollie. As if this wasn't enough, the children also win awards for good behaviour during assembly, the names are collected and drawn at the following assembly. They drew a name out of the box, "Grace" was called and she proudly stood up and accepted her award and the knowledge that she too would be getting a Brain Licker.
After assembly parents usually wait on the playground outside the rooms for the kids to gather their bags and scooters and start for home. Tayla and Grace were no doubt very proud of their victories. Feeling as though he had been tricked John asked Tayla if she knew she was going to get that award when she agreed to the bet with him, "Of course" was her answer. At this point they were scootering circles around us, in more ways than one. Further more, when Grace stood to accept her award there was some question as to which Grace at the school it pertained to, the other Grace was absent so by default Gracie was able to accept the award. We remembered on our walk home that the assembly during which Grace supposedly showed good behaviour and won her award she wasn't even at, she was on holiday that weekend with Tayla and they checked out of school early that day...
They girls had gotten us good and they knew it!